It is 1878 and Japan has recently opened up after over 200 years of seclusion (known as sakoku 鎖国 ). Isabella Bird, an English explorer traveling through northern Japan, is here to answer your questions. Ask Isabella about 19th century Japan: the scenery, the shrines, the accommodation and particularly the Ainu people of Hokkaido. In return she wants you to locate five items from her travels that she has misplaced in this town: a map, a suitcase, a notebook, a compass and a hat.

Japanese Environment: The VR Scene begins in a picturesque Japanese landscape, featuring iconic landmarks such as an ancient temple, a traditional town, wooden houses, shops and a garden.

Exploration and Interaction: Players enter the Scene where they meet Isabella Bird. An object with text information states the purpose of this activity: to learn about 19th century Japan after over 200 years of ‘sakoku’. Players can freely explore the immersive environment using VR controls.  They must ask questions to Isabella in order to seek the information they require.

Object Search: Players are presented with a list of five objects they need to find. These are objects that Isabella Bird has misplaced in this town: a map, a suitcase, a notebook, a compass and a hat.

Cultural Insights: Players learn about Japanese history, people, architecture and culture through interacting with Isabella Bird; enhancing the educational aspect of the game.

Progression and Challenges: Players find each object by moving over it or touching it.

Outcome: After finding all five objects, an object with text information appears with instructions about what to do next.

Say "Hello!" to Isabella Bird by clicking her image.